February 19, 2021

Tips for Selecting Hearing Aids

"Great to work with. They take their time and work to get the best fit. I'm very satisfied that I made the choice to go with Hearing Consultants.
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If you have made the choice to get hearing aids, you have already overcome the barriers facing some other people with hearing aids. All too often, those with hearing loss resist getting the help they need for one reason or another, and you can count yourself among the fortunate who know they need help and are willing to seek it. Once you embark on the path to hearing loss treatment, you are prepared to engage earnestly with the process, and yet it can still feel confusing at times. With new terminology and so many options, how are you to know which aids are the ones suited to your needs?

When you get in contact with us, you are in good hands in this regard. You can trust that this expert has your best interest in mind when suggesting the options that will work for you. In addition to relying on the expertise of our team, please check out the following tips as a way to prepare yourself for the process. Keeping these helpful points in mind will make the task of getting hearing aids easier to manage and even enjoyable!

Enlist Your Support Team

Although you could embark on this process alone, why not enlist some help from others? Not only will your appointments and conversations at the hearing health professional office become more enjoyable with a friend or loved one involved, but you can also get help managing all the information that will come your way. When you go to your appointments, the new information can feel overwhelming at times, and having a supportive person along with you will double your memory power. Not only can this person help you remember what’s going on in the meetings, but you can also use their help to recall the questions you need to ask and to inform your hearing health professional of the features of your lifestyle that require accommodation. Having things written down can help in two regards. If you take notes during your meetings, those words and scribbles might be enough to job your memory in the future. Further, you can bring a list of questions and concerns to make sure you’re not forgetting anything.

Full Disclosure

One of the most important steps in your process of hearing loss treatment is to disclose all of your needs to our team. Although you might not be trying to leave anything out, it is easy to overlook important details that can be relevant to your process. Perhaps the most important information you can provide is when and how you struggle most to hear. For some people, it is most difficult to hear when lots of people are talking at once. Others have trouble with the voices of children. Still, others might find that rooms with an echo or background music make it difficult to hear the person standing nearby. Each of these details is helpful to our team to determine the best devices to address your listening needs. Beyond these pieces of hearing information, you will likely want to include any details of your lifestyle that might be unique. For instance, if you spend a lot of time camping, long battery life might be useful. If you enjoy jogging, you might want aids that fit securely and are resistant to moisture from sweat or the elements. These details help you make the best decision possible.

Ongoing Engagement

Rather than thinking of your process of getting hearing aids as a one-time event, consider this process an ongoing conversation with an expert. You will likely need some support in the early days of getting your aids, making sure the settings are correct and you can fit them properly. In some cases, you might realize early on that a particular feature of your aids is frustrating to you. For example, a person with long hair might find that it brushes annoyingly against the microphone of some aids, whereas self-contained in-ear units would be a better choice. In that event, contact us! The more information, engagement, and communication you can provide, the more thorough will be your process of getting the perfect aids for your individual lifestyle and needs. If you are ready to benefit from the life-changing experience of using hearing aids, contact us today! We look forward to helping you.

Dr. Teague earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Hearing, Speech and Language from Ohio University and his Doctoral Degree in Audiology from The University of Louisville. He is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Board of Audiology.

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Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
